
An effectively designed estate plan will do much more than ensure that assets pass from one generation to the next.  It makes certain that those assets are protected as well so that they are available to pass to the next generation.  Our experienced attorneys can assist you and your family in accomplishing such a protection plan.

Asset protection planning is necessary to make certain that everything you have been blessed to accumulate is protected against threats so that your assets can continue to benefit you and your family for years to come.

For estate and asset protection planning, a will is necessary but rarely enough.  In addition, proper planning involves more than filling out a form in a computer program or downloading a one-size-fits-all canned document from the Internet.  Customization is critical to truly achieving your desired planning goals.

Effective estate planning and asset protection typically requires a more thorough strategy and additional legal instruments, such as a trust.  A carefully designed trust can continue to protect your assets by remaining in effect for hundreds of years.  Instead of simply offering asset protection for one generation, the long-lasting trust arrangements will provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing everything you have been blessed to accumulate will benefit not only your children, but also your grandchildren and even future great-grandchildren and their families.

We will be happy to educate you about potential threats to your property and recommend a custom-designed asset protection strategy to protect against potential threats to your assets and accomplish your estate planning goals.

Please contact us at 205-349-1910 to schedule a consultation.

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